As experts in Human Resources,
we help you get the best out of your organisation.
As a People Management Partner, WAIM provides a concrete response to the requirements of all businesses in the management of their HR capital.
Thanks to our consultants’ long experience, we can support businesses in their corporate restructuring and staff performance enhancing campaigns.
We are professionals. We use special tools and methodologies to manage, evaluate and reward businesses and help them to grow along with their staff.
We will assist in the day-to-day management of your corporate team, supporting growth processes and helping with even the most complex change management projects.
We will help your company get the best out of its human capital, to make your business a winning one.
We help you through the complexities involved in growth and change.
By appraising the performance of your team, we can help you promote their talents.
We help clients to design new organisations or adapt their existing ones to suit their markets, also defining the functions and job descriptions of each team member.
We can analyse the company's attitude to its workforce and suggest the latest management techniques to guarantee the long-term success of your business.
We define professional development pathways for your team members, coordinating their tasks and duties with the training and performance appraisal process.
Our services are aimed at building a remuneration policy that recognises good performance and rewards continuous improvement.
Partnering your business as it implements its welfare policies: we can help with decisions and in drawing up welfare plans.
Our team of experts is on hand: we can intervene directly within your organisation at key moments or in special circumstances requiring major HR input.
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